by Michelle Zenisek | Feb 14, 2020 | Uncategorized
I remember being one of the youngest and one of only a few females in a big board room at a company I used to work for. I was nervously listening to the conversation about a big move the company was making when someone turned to me and said, “What do you think,...
by BurnBright Admin | Jan 4, 2016 | Uncategorized
Definition of inspiration : something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create : a force or influence that inspires someone : a person, place, experience, etc., that makes someone want to do or create something :...
by BurnBright Admin | Jun 1, 2015 | Uncategorized
Here is my Favorite Pinterest post of the Month Proin maximus purus in dolor pellentesque vestibulum. Nullam tempor turpis sit amet lectus cursus, eget scelerisque lectus faucibus. Morbi quis sem eu lacus fringilla posuere vel ut dui. Etiamqpellentesque varius nisi...