651-307-6861 info@burnbrightcom.com


Social Media Strategy

Your social media strategy should be designed to meet your measureable goals. We’ll help analyze your market, get a good read on your customers and what they’re interested in, develop your messages, and build a plan that works.

Discover how delivering consistent, fresh and engaging content on a regular basis can help build your brand.

Some Fuel for Thought:

Do you have a social media strategy with measurable goals?
Do you have a good understanding of who your current and desired social media followers are?
Are you regularly engaging with your social media audiences?

Do You Use Social Media For Your Business?

66% of marketers plan to increase their use of Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn in the future

29 percent

Personal Brand Package designed for individuals who are ready to ignite their personal brand

ignite me!

How We Access Social Media

According to the Social Media Marketing Industry Report for 2015 put together by Social Media Examiner, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram were the top seven platforms used by marketers in 2015.

  • FaceBook 93% 93%
  • Twitter 79% 79%
  • LinkedIn 71% 71%
  • Google+ 56% 56%
  • YouTube 55% 55%
  • Pinterest 45% 45%
  • Instagram 36% 36%
  • SlideShare 15% 15%
  • Forums 14% 14%
  • Social review sites (i.e., Yelp) 13% 13%
  • Social bookmarking (i.e., StumbleUpon, Reddit) 9% 9%
  • Geo-location (i.e., Foursquare) 7% 7%
  • Vine 4% 4%
  • Snapchat 2% 2%

Marketing Audit


Interested in a Free Marketing Communications Audit?

BurnBight Communications is offering a limited number of FREE marketing communications audits to help you identify and discover ways to capitalize on untapped opportunities to build your brand.



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